Friday, April 9, 2010

Life Insurance Applications-March Madness!!

MIB (Medical Information Bureau) just released the March index which reflects life insurance application trends (insurance industry in-total) and it had some surprisingly good news. There was an increase in life insurance applications (+2.4%) "year over year" ages combined. Interestingly, compared to prior years, year-over-year growth in March is atypical and has not been seen in over six years.

Applications based upon age reflected lack of growth in ages 0-44, however ages 45-59 were up +4.6% over prior years and there is a continued rise in senior applicants over the age of 60 with an astounding +15.5% year-over-year. This trend in growth in the 60+ market has been seen since April of 2007.

For those of us that focus on senior markets, it is further verification that our focus is not misplaced!

Quote of the Day:
Aging is not 'lost youth' but a new stage of opportunity and strength
Betty Friedan (1921-2006)
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Monday, April 5, 2010

What Interviews and RX Profiles Tell You-That Doctors Don't!

Underwriters utilize a number of "tools" during the assessment process of a life insured. These provide a wide array of additional data points and insight that just cannot be gleaned from doctors reports. A number of these tools are unavailable to the Life Settlement (LS) underwriter - however, two of the most valuable tools ARE available however investors often don't know about these tools and they are not readily available by the life expectancy providers in the industry.

Two critical underwriting tools are the telephone interview and the RX profile. Telephone interviews, completed by the experienced underwriter, can provide a tremendous amount of insight into the individuals medical history, compliance with therapy, details on doctor consultations, and most importantly-lifestyle (activities of daily living-ADL) factors. A recent study of 658 seniors noted a direct correlation of lower mortality and morbidity rates associated with a senior engaging in a "hobby". Researchers found that with a simple "hobby" a senior was more likely to have increased ADL scores, lower depression scores, and closer ties to family and friends. Simple, but critical, insight gleaned from a simple conversation with a senior that will rarely be reflected in medical records but can have a tremendous impact in the individuals longevity.

The RX profile is a simple pharmaceutical database check that provides an underwriter with critical data on the individuals medications, the refill history (denoting compliance, or non-compliance, of prescribed therapy), insight into changes in medical history (outlining introduction of new medications or changes in prescribed amounts) and detail on prescribing physicians. A simple check that provides a tremendous amount of information, that reviewed by a trained underwriting professional, can be a powerful tool in assessing ones mortality.

These tools are the "tip of the iceberg" in the benefits that can be gleaned from these sources. The lingering question may be "Why don't all underwriting firms offer these benefits to their customers?". It's this underwriting professionals "humble" underwriting opinion that because some groups do not appreciate the value an underwriter brings to the assessment of an individuals mortality-they disregard all traditional underwriting tools and methodologies-stating that they have no basis in understanding an individuals mortality. Additionally they don't have ready access to obtain these value added products.

AUS, founded and managed by underwriters offers our clients the full value of all underwriting tools available-from medical history interviews by an experienced underwriter to RX profiles to our clients. Traditional life insurance and life settlement clients have full access to our suite of services-including our blog!

Come visit us!