Sunday, March 6, 2011

It's All in the Genes!

I just read a fascinating article posted by Reuters this weekend about (13) new genes identified by English researches which have a direct correlation to increased risk of coronary artery disease. Researches feel these genes are the key to unlocking how the disease develops and preventative therapies that can be instituted early on in a high risk individuals life to stop the development of the disease.

Clinical researchers, although excited about the future prospects of identifying specific genetic patterns, are realistic about the fact that they are years off from truly pulling all of the pieces together that will be needed to put changes into preventative therapy into action and even longer before we start seeing decreases in cardiac related deaths-still the leading cause of death in the world according to statistics from the World Health Organization (WHO).

Often times I am asked what part genetic testing can, and will play in medical underwriting and longevity. I've watched the focus on DNA testing and followed clinical research studies over the past several years and see the impact to underwriting being years off. From a life insurance perspective stringent GINA (Genetic Information Nondiscrimination Act) regulations do not allow insurers to take negative action on a proposed insured based upon DNA results. For life settlement, where we look at longevity not issuance of a policy, we know that an individuals genetic predisposition accounts for less than a 20% mortality impact vs. lifestyle which accounts for over 80%! Where underwriters will first see the impact of DNA testing is in more individualized preventative and specific impairment treatment options for patients that will positively impact that individuals morbidity and mortality. To read this Reuters article follow me on twitter!

"As for me, except for an occasional heart attack, I feel as young as I ever did"
Robert Benchley, 1889-1945

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